Help Us Keep Your Trails Beautiful and Safe For All
Trail Rules
Violation of trail rules may result in a $1,000 fine and/or 30 days in jail.
Motorized wheelchairs, electric scooters and electric bikes are permitted. Mopeds are not.
Don’t use trails at night. The trails are closed from dusk to dawn.
Users must stay on the trail. No trespassing on private property.
Alcoholic beverages, drugs, and unlicensed firearms are not allowed on the trails.
Vandalism and theft of trail amenities will result in prosecution.
Reckless behavior that endangers other trail users is prohibited.
No camping along trail except in designated areas.
Yield to pedestrians - pedestrians always have the right-of-way.
Keep right and pass on the left - the trail is like a roadway.
Announce yourself; for example, “On your left!” Warn trail users as you approach from behind.
If you stop, get off the trail - Always allow other trail users to pass on the left.
Report crime and maintenance problems to contacts under the FAQ’s section. Watch out for maintenance and security needs while on the trails.
Obey all signs and rules.
Stop at intersections.
Travel at safe speeds.
Keep to the right.
Keep the trails clean.
Don’t litter - Recycle trash on the trails.
Keep animals under control.
Pets must be on a short leash.
Walk pets on the right shoulder.
Clean animal waste from the trails.